My 2023: From Kensal Rise Madhouse to Jedi Master of Mental Health

Chris Frederick
6 min readDec 30, 2023


Project Soul Stride

“When you stand close to a reflective surface you can only see yourself. But when you step back you begin to see the world around you and all the possibilities”

Lived Experiences

As the 2023 draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the incredible journey that this year has been — a year filled with discoveries, challenges, and significant milestones, particularly through my involvement in Project Soul Stride.

Let’s just say it wasn’t exactly a walk in the Mos Eisley cantina. Picture this: me, holed up in my Kensal Rise madhouse (six roommates, bless their chaotic souls), embarking on a three-month project called Project Soul Stride. I thought it would be a three-month sashay into mental health advocacy, a whispered sonnet in the Kensal Rise madhouse. Turns out, I accidentally ignited a lightsaber duel of conversation with 80 experts, and the battle rages on!

Our Christmas Day lunch gathering

Now, I’m not a stranger to interviews. 28 years in talent acquisition gave me the chops to make even the shyest Ewoks spill their secrets. But with Project Soul Stride, I donned a dual hat: Lieutenant Columbo, forever asking “Just one more thing,” and Yoda, dispensing wisdom with a dash of green puppet charm. It was a potent combination, I tell you. One minute, I’d be digging deep into lived experiences, the next, quoting Star Wars to lighten the mood (it works, trust me).

The inception of Project Soul Stride was born from a deep commitment to addressing mental health challenges within the UK Black community. This journey into Lived Experience work began as an amalgamation of personal passion and a desire for meaningful impact. Through this and other work I’m involved with, I embarked on a mission to uncover the intricate layers of experiences and insights that shape mental health narratives within this community.

Undoubtedly, the path was not without its challenges. Navigating the complexities of mental health conversations, especially within a community often underrepresented in research, posed its unique set of hurdles. However, these challenges were outweighed by the immeasurable rewards. The privilege of engaging in discussions with esteemed experts and stakeholders illuminated perspectives that are seldom heard, enriching the project’s tapestry with invaluable insights. Now add my own lived trauma and continued journey of recovery into the mix, it makes for a deeply personal endeavour fraught with danger and potential consequences.

To someone considering stepping into a similar position, I would offer this advice: Embrace authenticity and empathy. Listen intently, seek to understand, and approach each interaction with an open heart and mind. Your lived experiences will be your greatest assets in connecting with others and driving impactful change. It certainly has helped that my personal journey has seamlessly interwoven with my professional pursuits. The empathy and understanding nurtured through personal experiences have been pivotal in shaping my approach within the realm of mental health advocacy. The fusion of personal insights has lent authenticity and depth to the endeavours of Project Soul Stride.

Mental health matters. It’s not a shadowy corner of the galaxy, it’s the bustling main street. And just like Luke Skywalker faced the Empire, we can face our own struggles. We can reach out, share our stories, and build bridges of understanding. So, each day I would grab my lightsaber of empathy, blast through the stigma, and attempt to build a galaxy where mental health is no longer a whisper, but a roaring chorus of compassion.

The Dark Knight Fan Art

Shared Learning

Reflecting on 2023’s late start, amidst personal goals and inner explorations, brought moments of growth and challenges. Confidence soared through engagements in Lived Experience activities, fostering board roles and advisory positions. From all the ‘inner work’ that was done in 2021/22 in harnessing self-awareness & converting trauma into positive impact. The exploration into core values, qualities, and love languages unveiled personal insights. The power of self-awareness, guided by professionals and supported by various organizations, fostered a path of healing and growth.

Volunteering certainly helped a lot in breaking the cycle of loneliness. However, I realised that even with the hope and optimism I still lacked the confidence to step outside too much. Challenged by attending events revealed fears of social interaction so that now sits at the top of my 2024 goals.

Learning to navigate friendships and embracing solitude brought profound realizations. Recognizing the distinction between friends and allies while fostering self-compassion and setting boundaries became vital.

Tree Hugging with Friends (2 and 4-legged)

Synchronicities and humorous coincidences brought enlightenment amidst tough times, intertwining mental health advocacy with the Star Wars universe.

Speaking of the Force, My love for Star Wars went rogue, like Han Solo stealing the Millennium Falcon. I even messaged the owner of a massive Star Wars group on LinkedIn like a lovesick Chewbacca “Hey there, buddy, fancy me taking the wheel?” Crickets. But the Force works in hilarious ways, because two weeks later, poof! Group gone, owner vanished. So, I did what any good Jedi would do — built my own Death Star of a community. We are a motley crew now, 70 strong, humming the Imperial March like a lullaby.

Looking Ahead to 2024

But it was not all lightsabers and banthas. The madness of my shared house, bless it, kept me grounded. It is my Fortress of Solitude (Superman, I know, I know), my haven where I recharge after diving into the depths of mental health challenges. Self-awareness, too, was a constant journey. From Cockapoo Facebook pages to Dallas reruns (do not judge), every experience fed my inner Yoda. It is a chaotic buffet, sure, but hey, I’ve learned to embrace the muppet of it all.

There were stumbles, Yoda would call them “learning opportunities,” and enough self-doubt to fuel a TIE fighter squadron. But I found my voice, a voice that speaks not from a research textbook, but from the messy, lived experiences of those around me. And that, my friends, is a journey worth sharing, a journey that whispers a powerful message.

2024 whispers promise of a galactic epic. Project Soul Stride will morph into a world-changing narrative, ImROC will unleash its mighty roar, and a fellowship of like-minded adventurers awaits my June summoning. Oh, and I’m bringing the Friendship Bench to the UK! Hold on to your lightsabers, folks, it’s going to be a wild ride.

This is my call to action, my ode to 2023, and my hopeful glance towards the stars of 2024. Join me, won’t you? Let’s make mental health a galactic conversation, one shared laugh, one vulnerable tear, one lightsaber duel at a time.

The Force is with us and the journey continues…..

Torii (鳥居) Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto, Japan



Chris Frederick

Influencing changes in Mental Health through Lived Experience engagement and collaboration while finding solace in a galaxy not so far away.